Please consider downloading and printing these posters for
use at your protests!
Provided courtesy of PalestineOnlineStore.com

here to download

here to download
see our new solidarity ribbon bumper sticker... using the
kuffiya (a symbol of solidarity) tied in a ribbon, with the
flags of Palestine, Iraq, and Lebanon, who's peoples are at
the receiving end of the brutal US-Israeli military machine.
$3 (plus shipping and handling), of which one dollar of
each retail purchase of this sticker goes towards aid to the
Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon - see
our appeal for details. Or... get it for free when you
donate $10 to our Emergency Appeal for the Palestinian refugee
camps in Lebanon.

ribbon design copyright Marwan Salfiti / Free Our People)
see our poster, made in Palestine, commemorating Israel's
slaughter of Huda Ghalia's family on the beach at Gaza.
